We will be traveling to a Pints n’ Plants talk at the Urban Chestnut Brewery on Wednesday, March 18 from 6:30 to 7:30. The event will be located at:
Urban Chestnut Brewing Company in the Grove
4465 Manchester Ave., 63110
St. Louis, MO 63110
The topic this month is “Friends with Benefits: The Power of Pollinators and Beneficial Insects.” The speakers will be Jennifer Schamber, General Manager of Greenscape Gardens and Ed Spevak, Curator of Invertebrates & Director of the Center for Native Pollinator Conservation at the St. Louis Zoo. The event is open to the public with a $5 suggested donation.
For more information, visit the Facebook event page.
If you are interested in going to Pints and Plants feel please contact us promptly at theburningkumquat@gmail.com. We will be able to provide transportation.